Digital storytelling about Health

Participants sitting at a table, discussing their digital storytelling about health projects

In 2015 we began a series of workshops focused on digital storytelling about health. The initial pilot was a workshop in Auckland focused on Māori experiences of palliative care. This was a collaboration with colleagues from The School of Nursing at the University of Auckland.

Based on the success of that pilot, we have conducted further workshops centering on digital storytelling about health: Tāpinga ‘a Maama’ in Auckland with Dr. Ofa Dewes, and Pae Herenga in Kerikeri, Hastings and Kapiti with Dr. Tess Moeke-Maxwell.

Dr. Maxwell describes the digital story workshop process not only as a mode of health research but also as an opportunity for healing.

“These can be quite difficult stories to recall and tell, sites of mamae (hurt or emotional pain) that hasn’t been quite relinquished yet. In the workshops, people get a chance to be together, to share their story and hear others’ stories. Listening to each other, being respected, giving and receiving aroha (love, compassion) and manaakitanga (hospitality, care) – this is very important. People can heal, and that is an amazing thing.”

More information can be found on the Pae Herenga: An investigation of Māori whānau end of life cultural care customs project at Te Ipu Aronui.